Use "swill|swilled|swilling|swills" in a sentence

1. He swilled his mouth out with antiseptic.

2. Where did you get this monkey swill?

3. He swilled his brandy gently round his glass.

4. Beer swilled around the bottom of the barrel.

5. Fire crews swilled away a large fuel spillage.

6. She swilled the whisky around in her glass.

7. Give the pail a good swill ( out ) .

8. You feed them swill and such stuff?

9. Swill the car with clear water.

10. What the fug is that swill?

11. He does nothing but swill beer all day.

12. The Channel swill chopped and slapped all around.

13. Two drunken ships passing in a harbor swill hole.

14. Get a bucket to swill the yard down.

15. This swill is awful. Please give me some beer.

16. I wouldn't know though, I swill have much to learn.

17. Do you know, the cobblestones couldn't be seen for the blood which swilled like water?

18. Give the sink a quick swill to get it clean.

19. Synonyms for Chugalugging include gulping down, swallowing, gobbling, downing, swilling, wolfing, chugging, stuffing, devouring and swigging

20. Advertising is the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket.

21. Leslie swill attend to students'intonation, coordination and accent of speaking attentively.

22. She sottishly told me,in that morning, that she swilled in the night before.

23. It was an enormous bottomless trough in which the hogs could swill and wallow.

24. The dentist handed me a glass of water to swill my mouth out with.

25. Synonyms for Bibbing include drinking, boozing, guzzling, tippling, soaking, lushing up, liquoring up, swilling, swallowing and swigging

26. Remarkably, they can still swill and swagger at the same time, weaving toward an exit.

27. He retreated Ashamedly to his estate in Southern Kentucky, swilling in an abundance of bourbons and whiskeys

28. Synonyms for Chugalug include gulp down, chug, down, gobble, stuff, swallow, swill, wolf, devour and consume

29. He preferred, he said, to submerge himself in the urban swill, or be in deep country.

30. 20 Gallons of sea water had rushed into the cabin and were now swilling about in the bilges.

31. Rain swilled and foamed in its open mouth as it looked at the churning black clouds and the eruptions of fractured lightning.

32. She Barged into the public bar during the six o'clock swill threatening to rearrange a man's delicate area

33. Dead rats, floating in the brown swill of beer with teeth bared in a last deathly snarl.

34. Father has asked me to swill down the garage floor, but I wanted to read the interesting novel.

35. The beer was just warm swill, and he drank it because Arthur put it down in front of him.

36. 3 Without his casual left guard he was bucket swill, the ugly effluvia that boxers deposit from their lacerated mouths between rounds.

37. Calamity Jane was a woman of the Wild West renowned for her sharp-shooting, whiskey-swilling and cross-dressing ways – but also for her kindness towards others

38. Sewage, garbage, and chemical pollutants are dumped into the oceans as if these were a local swill bin, a superfluous adjunct to life on earth.

39. Adrift, Beached, Abandoned "A heavy blow today from S.E. large ice being blown ashore The Mary Sach broke adrift from her fastening owing to heavy Swill.

40. I realize that Carrie is based on Candace Bushnell, and since I don’t read that type of swill, I can’t comment on her lack of talent, but I can say that the fictional version can’t write.

41. In the early 19th century in that region, there were 11 jenever distilleries and 31 alembics of 30 hectolitres each; their swill fed 1000 heads of cattle (which produced enough dung for 500 hectares of land).

42. Bs: Barfko Swill (Frank Zappa Production Company) Bs: Bi-Metallic Strip: Bs: Bon Scot (singer) Bs: Bayesian Score: Bs: Birchwood School (West Nyack, NY) Bs: Blank Sentences: Bs: Bottom Sounding: Bs: BASIC or cyBASIC (file extension) Bs: Before Stinson (How I Met Your Mother; TV series reference) Bs: Black Sheep Brotherhood (gaming community) Bs

43. Bavaria is the Texas of Germany: a relatively huge chunk of the country (Germany's largest Bundesland), with an independent streak and unique history, not to mention still-vibrant rural traditions that seem to epitomize, at least to outsiders, the national character.The romantic American image of Germany — lederhosen-clad lads and busty Mädchens swilling beer and pretzels before an alpine